The NNSF of China’s Major Research Project " was Held

2018-08-23 15:54:23

    From March 25 to 27,2018, the National Natural Science Foundation of China's major research project "Basic Research on the Causes and Response Mechanisms of China's Atmospheric Combined Pollution" was held in Guangzhou. The conference was hosted by the Office of the Major Research Projects of the Peking University Fund Committee, and the Institute of Environment and Climate(ECI) of Jinan University(JNU). Co-organized. Participants included the relevant leaders of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, invited experts, members of the major research plan expert group, and the project leader and key backbone. A total of nearly 180 people attended the meeting.

Xianzhong Song, the president of JNU, attended the meeting and delivered a welcoming speech. He briefly introduced the general situation of Jinan University and the Institute of Environment and Climate, and said that the causes of air pollution in China are complex and are international frontier scientific issues in the environmental field. The National Natural Science Foundation of China revolves around air pollution. The formation mechanism and the impact of air pollution on health The joint major research project project “Causes, Health Impacts and Coping Mechanisms of China's Atmospheric Combined Pollution” was launched, which is of great significance. The four key research projects announced by Academician Shaw Liu, Professor Xuemei Wang, Professor Boguang Wang and Professor Hang Su of ECI have been supported by the project. JNU will fully guarantee the smooth implementation of the project and make national air pollution prevention and control. contribution.