Xuemei Wang
Title: Office: E-mail:Xuemei Wang
Title: Office: E-mail:Ph.D. Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 1999
B.Sc. /M. Sc. Atmospheric Science, Nanjing University, China, 1991/1993
Professor (since 2016 ), Institute for Environmental and Climate Research, Jinan University, China
Professor (2010–2016), School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Associate Professor (2002–2009), School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Impact of air-surface exchange on atmospheric environment
Atmospheric boundary layer physics and atmospheric environmental modeling studies
Physical and chemical impacts of urbanization on regional air pollution
Numerical simulation and verification of contribution to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in East China(91644215),National Key Program supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016.11-2020.12, PI.
Numerical Simulation of key processes of air-surface exchange on atmospheric environment (41425020).The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015-2019, PI.
Assessment technology of urbanization on atmospheric environment China (GYHY201406031). Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest supported by State Meteorological Administration, 2014-2016, PI.
Research on the key source of PM2.5 and the characteristic of regional transportation of pollutants in Pearl River Delta in fall. Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. S2012020011044), 2012.10-2015.09, PI.
Impacts of an improved resistance parameterization on the dry deposition of reactive nitrogen oxides in a Southern China forest. Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grant No. 41275018), 2013.01-2016.12, PI.
Partnership with China on Space Data- PANDA (SPA.2013.3.2-01) supported by FP7 EU. PI: Guy P. Brasseur, 2014.1-2016.12, CO-I.
Chemistry and Climate over Asia: Understanding the Impacts of Changing Climate and Emissions on Atmospheric Composition and Society, supported by NSF (No. S10-554), PI: Mary Barth, 2010-2013. , CO-I.
EPA/NCAR/SYSU collaboration to develop, support and apply the MEGAN model. Supported by UNIVERSITY CORPORATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH (No. S09-78563), 2009-20011.
Atmosphere/Urban/Chemistry/Aerosol Modeling Framework for Addressing Urban Environmental Issues. Supported by UNIVERSITY CORPORATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH (No. S07-62181), 2007-2008.
[1] Wang, X.M., Wu, Z.Y., Zhang, Q., Cohen, J., Pang, J.M., 2017. Impact of urbanization on regional climate and air quality in china. In: Air pollution in eastern Asia: An integrated perspective, ISBN 978-3-319-59488-0, Springer International Publishing.
[2]Lin, M., Chan, I.N., Chan, C.Y.*, Wang, X.M., 2011. Emerging Air Pollution Issues in Changing Pearl River Delta of South China. In The Impact of Air Pollution on Health, Economy, Environment and Agricultural Sources, ISBN 978-953-307-528-0, InTech-Open Access Publisher.
[1]Wu, R.S., Zhong, L.J., Huang, X.L., Xu, H.B., Liu, S., Feng, B.H., Wang, T., Song, X.M., Bai ,Y.C., Wu, C.F., Wang, X.M.*, Huang, W.*. 2018. Temporal variations in ambient particulate matter reduction associated short-term mortality risks in Guangzhou, China: A time-series analysis (2006–2016). Science of The Total Environment, 645: 491-498.
[2]Jia, S.G., Wang, X.M.*, Zhang, Q., Sarkar, S., Wu, L., & Huang, M.J., et al. 2018. Technical note: comparison and interconversion of ph based on different standard states for aerosol acidity characterization. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics.
[3]Zhou, S.Z., Davy, P. K., Huang, M.J., Duan, J., Wang, X.M.*. & Fan, Q., et al. 2018. High-resolution sampling and analysis of ambient particulate matter in the pearl river delta region of southern china: source apportionment and health risk implications. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 18, 2049-2064.
[4]Huang, M.J.*, Sun, H., Liu, H., Wang, X.M.*, Wang, B., & Zheng, D. 2018. Atmospheric arsenic deposition in the pearl river delta region, south china: influencing factors and speciation. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (5), 2506–2516
[5]Jia, S.G., Sarkar, S., Zhang, Q., Wang, X.M.*, Wu, L., & Chen, W., et al. 2018. Characterization of diurnal variations of pm2.5, acidity using an open thermodynamic system: a case study of guangzhou, china. Chemosphere, 202, 677-685.
[6]Pang, J.M., Liu, Z., Wang, X.M.*, Bresch, J., Ban, J., & Chen, D., et al. 2018. Assimilating aod retrievals from goci and viirs to forecast surface pm 2.5 episodes over eastern china. Atmospheric Environment.
[7]Wang, Q., Zhang, H.H., Liang, Q.H., Knibbs, L., Ren, M., Li, C.C., Bao, J.Z., Wang, S.H., He, Y.L., Zhu, L., Wang, X.M., Zhao, Q.G.*, Huang, C.R.*. 2018. Effects of prenatal exposure to air pollution on preeclampsia in shenzhen, china. Environmental Pollution, 237, 18-27.
[8]Mo, Z., Shao, M.*, Liu, Y.*, Xiang ,Y., Wang, X.M., Lu, S., Ou, J., Zheng, J., Li, M., Zhang, Q., Wang, X., Zhong, L.. 2018. Species-specified VOC emissions derived from a gridded study in the pearl river delta, china. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 2963.
[9]Sha, C.Y., Wang, X.M.*, Lin, Y., Fan, Y., Chen, X., & Hang, J.* 2018. The impact of urban open space and ‘lift-up’ building design on building intake fraction and daily pollutant exposure in idealized urban models. Science of the Total Environment, 633, 1314–1328.
[10]Wu, R.S., Song, X.M., Bai, Y.C., Chen, J., Zhao, Q., Liu, S., Xu, H.B., Wang, T., Feng, B.H., Zhang, Y., Zhong, L.J., Wang, X.M., Wu, F.C., Huang, W.*. 2018. Are current chinese national ambient air quality standards on 24-hour averages for particulate matter sufficient to protect public health?. Journal of Environmental Sciences.
[11]Liu, H.*, Jin, X., Wu, L., Wang, X.M.*, Fu, M., & Lv, Z., et al. 2018. The impact of marine shipping and its deca control on air quality in the pearl river delta, china. Science of the Total Environment, 625, 1476-1485.
[12]Chen, W.H., Guenther, A.B.*, Wang, X.M.*, et al. 2018. Regional to global biogenic isoprene emission responses to changes in vegetation from 2000 to 2015[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 123 (7), 3757-3771.
[13]Wai, K. M., Wang, X. M.*, Lin, T. H., Wong, M. S., Zeng, S. K., & He, N., et al. 2017. Observational evidence of a long-term increase in precipitation due to urbanization effects and its implications for sustainable urban living. Science of the Total Environment, 599-600, 647-654.
[14]Zhang, Q., Chang, M.*, Zhou, S.Z., Chen, W.H., Wang, X.M.*, & Liao, W.H., et al. 2017. Evaluate dry deposition velocity of the nitrogen oxides using noah-mp physics ensemble simulations for the dinghushan forest, southern china. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 53(4), 519-536.
[15]Ye, L.M., Huang, M.J., Zhong, B.Q, Wang, X.M.*, et al. 2017. Wet and dry deposition fluxes of heavy metals in Pearl River Delta Region (China): Characteristics, ecological risk assessment, and source apportionment. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 70, 106-123
[16]Liu, X.J.*, Xu, W., Duan, L., Du, E.Z., Pan, Y.P., Lu, X.K., Zhang, L., Wu, Z.Y., Wang, X.M., et al. 2017. Atmospheric nitrogen emission, deposition, and air quality impacts in china: an overview. Current Pollution Reports, 1-13.
[17]Ling, Z. H., Zhao, J., Fan, S. J., & Wang, X. M.*. 2017. Sources of formaldehyde and their contributions to photochemical O3 formation at an urban site in the pearl river delta, southern china. Chemosphere, 168, 1293-1301.
[18]Wang, Q., Li, C.C., Guo, Y.F., Barnett, A.G., Tong, S.L., Phung, D., Chue, C., Dear, K., Wang, X.M.*, Huang, C.*. 2017. Environmental ambient temperature and blood pressure in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 575, 276-286.
[19]Liu, Y., Hong, Y., Fan, Q.*, Wang, X.M., Chan, P., & Chen, X., et al. 2017. Source-receptor relationships for pm2.5 during typical pollution episodes in the pearl river delta city cluster, china. Science of the Total Environment, 596-597, 194-206.
[20]Chen, X., Liu, Y., Lai, A., Han, S., Fan, Q.*, & Wang, X.M., et al. 2017. Factors dominating 3-dimensional ozone distribution during high tropospheric ozone period. Environmental Pollution, 232, 55-64.
[21]Yang, Y., Shao, M.*, Keßel, S., Li, Y., Lu, K., Lu, S., Williams, J., Zhang, Y., Zeng, L., Nölscher A. C., Wu Y., Wang X.M., and Zheng J 2017. How the oh reactivity affects the ozone production efficiency: case studies in beijing and heshan, china. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 17(11), 1-37.
[22]He, L., Hang, J.*, Wang, X.M.*, Lin, B., Li, X., & Lan, G. 2017. Numerical investigations of flow and passive pollutant exposure in high-rise deep street canyons with various street aspect ratios and viaduct settings. Science of the Total Environment, 584-585, 189.
[23]Hang, J., Luo, Z.*, Wang, X.M., et al. 2016. The influence of street layouts and viaduct settings on daily carbon monoxide exposure and intake fraction in idealized urban canyons. Environmental Pollution, 220(Pt A), 72.
[24]Ye, L.M., Wang, X.M.*, Fan, S.F., Chen, W.H., Chang, M., Zhou, S.Z., Wu, Z.Y., Fan, Q, 2016. Photochemical indicators of ozone sensitivity: application in the Pearl River Delta, China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 10(6): 15.
[25]Chen, W.H., Wang, X.M.*, Zhou, S.Z.*, Cohen, J., Zhang, J. P., Wang, Y., Chang, M., Zeng, Y.J., Liu, Y.X., Ling, Z.H., Liang, G.X., Qiu, X.N., 2016. Properties of aerosols and formation mechanisms over southern China during the monsoon season. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,16(20),13271-13289.
[26]Zhou, S.Z , Davy, P.K., Wang, X.M.*, Cohen, J., Liang, J.Q., Huang, M.J., Fan, Q., Chen, W.H., Chang, M., Ancelet, T., Trompetter, W., 2016. High time-resolved elemental components in fine and coarse particles in the Pearl River Delta region of Southern China: Dynamic variations and effects of meteorology. Science of the total environment.
[27]Chen, W. H., Wang, X.M.*, Zhou, Z.Z.*, Cohen, J., Zhang, J. P., Wang, Y., Chang, M., Zeng, Y.J., Liu, Y.X., Ling, Z.H., Liang, G.X., Qiu, X.N., 2016. Chemical Composition of PM2.5 and its Impact on Visibility in Guangzhou,Southern China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16 (10), 2349-2361.
[28]Huang, M.J., Deng, S.X., Dong, H.Y., Dai, W., Pang, J.M., Wang, X.M.*, 2016. Impacts of Atmospheric Mercury Deposition on Human Multimedia Exposure: Projection from Observations in the Pearl River Delta Region, South China. Environmental Science &Technology, 50(19):10625-10634.
[29]Huang, H.L., Huang, H.B.*, Zhan, Y.J., Liu, G.Y., Wang, X.M., Lu, H.X., Xiao, L., Feng, Q.Y., Leung, Dennis Y. C.*, 2016. Efficient degradation of gaseous benzene by VUV photolysis combined with ozone-assisted catalytic oxidation: Performance and mechanism. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 186, 62-68.
[30]Cai, M., Ren, C.*, Xu, Y., Dai, W., Wang, X.M., 2016. Local Climate Zone Study for Sustainable Megacities Development by Using Improved WUDAPT Methodology- A Case Study in Guangzhou. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 36, 82- 89.
[31] Wang, X.M.*, Situ, S.P., Chen, W.H., Zheng, J.Y., Guenther, A., Fan, Q., Chang, M., 2016. Numerical model to quantify biogenic volatile organic compound emissions: The Pearl River Delta region as a case study. Journal of environmental sciences, 46, 72-82.
[32]Yang, Y.D., Shao, M.*, Wang, X. M., Anke, C. N., Kessel, S., Guenther, A., Williams, J. 2016. Towards a quantitative understanding of total OH reactivity: A review. Atmospheric Environment, 134, 147-161.
[33] Wang, X.M., Chen,W.H., Chen, D.H., Wu, Z.Y., Fan, Q. *, 2016. Long-term trends of fine particulate matter and chemical composition in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone (PRDEZ), China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,10(1):53-62.
[34]Hang, J.*, Luo, Z.W., Wang, X.M., Lin, M., Chen, X.Y., He, L.J., Wang, B.M., 2016. The influence of street layouts and viaduct settings on daily pollutant exposure and intake fraction in idealized urban canyons. Environmental Pollution.
[35]Cui, H.Y., Chen, W.H., Dai, W., Liu, H.*, Wang, X.M., He, K.B., 2015. Source apportionment of PM2.5 in Guangzhou combining observation data analysis and chemical transport model simulation. Atmospheric Environment, 116: 262-271.
[36]Wu, Z.Y., Zhang, L.M., Wang, X.M., Munger, J.W., 2015. A modified micrometeorological gradient method for estimating O3 dry depositions over a forest canopy. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15: 7487-7496.
[37]Liu, Y.M., Zhang, S.T, Fan, Q* , Wu, D, Chan, P.W, Wang, X.M, Fan, S.J, Yang, Y.R, Hong, Y.Y, 2015. Accessing the Impact of Sea-Salt Emissions on Aerosol Chemical Formation and Deposition over Pearl River Delta, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15(6):2232-2245.
[38]Liao, W.H., Wang, X.M.*, Fan, Q., Zhou, S.Z., Chang, M., Wang, Z.M., Wang ,Y., Tu Q.L., 2015. Long-term atmospheric visibility, sunshine duration and precipitation trends in South China. Atmospheric Environment, 107: 204-216.
[39]Liao, J.B., Wang, T.J. *, Jiang, Z.Q., Zhuang, B.L., Xie, M., Yin, C.Q., Wang, X.M., Zhu, J.L., Fu, Y., Zhang, Y., 2015. WRF/Chem modeling of the impacts of urban expansion on regional climate and air pollutants in Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment, 106, 204-214.
[40]Fan, Q., Lan J., Liu, Y.M., Wang, X.M.*, Chan, P.W., Fan, S.J., Hong, Y.Y., Liu, Y.X., Zeng, Y.J., Liang, G.X., Feng, Y.R., 2015. Diagnostic analysis of the sulfate aerosol pollution in spring over Pearl River Delta, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15: 46-57.
[41]Zhang, N., Wang, X.M.*, Chen, Y., Dai, W., Wang, X., 2015. Numerical simulations on influence of urban land cover expansion and anthropogenic heat release on urban meteorological environment in Pearl River Delta. Theoretical and applied climatology.
[42]Fan, Q., Lan, J., Liu, Y.M., Wang, X.M.*, Chan, P., Hong, Y.Y., Feng, Y.R., Liu, Y.X., Zeng, Y. J., Liang, G.X., 2015. Process analysis of regional aerosol pollution during spring in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Environment, 122, 829-838.
[43]Chang, M., Fan, S.F., Fan, Q., Chen, W.H., Zhang, Y.Q., Wang, Y., Wang, X.M.,* 2014. Impact of refined land surface properties on the simulation of a heavy convective rainfall process in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 50(1): 645- 655.
[44]Situ, S.P., Wang, X.M. *, Guenther, A., Zhang, Y.L., Wang, X.M., Huang, X.M., Fan, Q., Xiong, Z., 2014. Uncertainties of isoprene emissions in the MEGAN model estimated for a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Southern China. Atmospheric Environment, 98: 105-110.
[45]Liao, J.B., Wang, T.J. *, Wang, X.M., Xie, M., Jiang, Z.Q., Huang, X.X., Zhu, J.L., 2014. Impacts of different urban canopy schemes in WRF/Chem on regional climate and air quality in Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Research, 145, 226-243.
[46] Wang, X.M.*, Liao, J.B., Zhang, J., Shen, C., Chen, W.H., Xia, B.C., Wang, T.J., 2014. A numeric study of regional climate change induced by urban expansion in Pearl River Delta, China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 346-362.
[47]Fan, Q.*,Yu, W., Fan, S.J., Wang, X.M., Lan, J., Zou, D.L., Feng, Y.R., Chan, P.W., 2014. Process analysis of a regional air pollution episode over Pearl River Delta Region, China, using the MM5-CMAQ model. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 64, 406-418.
[48]Huang, M.J., Chen, X.W., Zhao, Y.G., Chan, C.Y., Wang, W., Wang, X.M., Wong, M.H. *, 2014. Arsenic speciation in total contents and bioaccessible fractions in atmospheric particles related to human intakes. Environmental Pollution, 188: 37- 44.
[49]Huang, M.J., Wang, W., Chan, C.Y., Cheung K.W., Man, Y.B., Wang, X.M., Wong, M.H. *, 2014. Contamination and risk assessment (based on bioaccessibility via ingestion and inhalation) of metal (loid)s in outdoor and indoor particles from urban centers of Guangzhou, China. Science of Total Environment, 2014, 479-480: 117-124.
[50]Zhang Q., Yuan B., Shao M. *, Wang X.M., Lu S., Lu K., Wang M., Chen L., Chang C.C., Liu S.C., 2014. Variations of ground-level O3 and its precursors in Beijing in summertime between 2005 and 2011. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14,6089-6101.
[51]Liu, H., Wang, X.M.*, Pang, J.M., He, K.B., 2013. Feasibility and difficulties of China’s new air quality standard compliance: PRD case of PM2.5 and ozone from 2010 to 2025. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 12013–12027.
[52]Situ, S.P., Guenther, A., Wang, X.M.*, Jiang, X., Turnipseed, A., Wu, Z.Y., Bai, J.H., Wang, X., 2013. Impacts of seasonal and regional variability in biogenic VOC emissions on surface ozone in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 11803–11817.
[53]Fan, Q., Liu, Y.M. *, Wang, X.M., Fan, S.J., Chan, P.W., Lan, J., Feng, Y.R., 2013. Effect of different meteorological fields on the regional air quality modelling over Pearl River Delta, China. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 53, 3-23.
[54]Zhang, Z.S., Engling, G. *, Chan, C.Y., Yang, Y.H., Lin, M., Shi, S., He, J., Li, Y.D., Wang, X.M., 2013. Determination of isoprene-derived secondary organic aerosol tracers (2-methyltetrols) by HPAEC-PAD: Results from size-resolved aerosols in a tropical rainforest. Atmospheric Environment, 70, 468-476.
[55] Wang, X.M.*, Wu, Z.Y., Shao, M., Fang, Y.T., Zhang, L.M., Chen, F., Chan, P.W., Fan, Q., Wang, Q., Zhu, S.J., Bao, R.Y., 2013. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to forest and estuary environments in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, southern China. Tellus B, 65, 20480.
[56]Fang, Y.T., Wang, X.M.*, Zhu, F.F., Wu, Z.Y., Li, J., Zhong, L.J., Chen, D.H., Yoh, M., 2013. Three-decade changes in chemical composition of precipitation in Guangzhou city, southern China: has precipitation recovered from acidification following sulfur dioxide emission control? Tellus B, 65, 20213.
[57] Wang, X.M.*, Liu, H., Pang, J.M., Carmichael, G., He, K.B., Fan, Q., Zhong, L.J., Wu, Z.Y., Zhang, J.P., 2013. Reductions in sulfur pollution in the Pearl River Delta region, China: Assessing the effectiveness of emission controls. Atmospheric Environment, 76, 113-124.
[58]Liu, H., Wang, X.M.*, Zhang, J.P., He, K.B.*, Wu, Y., Xu, J.Y., 2013. Emission controls and changes in air quality in Guangzhou during the Asian Games. Atmospheric Environment, 76, 81-93.
[59]Fan, Q., Shen, C., Wang, X.M.*, Li, Y., Huang, W., Liang, G.X., Wang, S.Y., Huang, Z.E., 2013. Impact of a dust storm on characteristics of particle matter (PM) in Guangzhou, China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 49(1), 121-131.
[60]Guenther, A.B. *, Jiang, X., Heald, C.L., Sakulyanontvittaya, T., Duhl, T., Emmons, L.K., Wang, X.M., 2012. The Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature version 2.1 (MEGAN2.1): an extended and updated framework for modeling biogenic emissions. Geoscientific Model Development, 5, 1471-1492.
[61]Charusombat, U., Niyogi, D. *, Garrigues, S., Olioso, A., Marloie, O., Barlage, M., Chen, F., Ek, M., Wang, X.M., Wu, Z.Y., 2012. Noah-GEM and Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) based downscaling of Global Reanalysis surface fields: Evaluations using observations from a CarboEurope agricultural site. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 86(SI), 55-74.
[62]Li, J., Fang, Y.T. *, Yoh, M., Wang, X.M., Wu, Z.Y., Kuang, Y.W., Wen, D.Z., 2012. Organic nitrogen deposition in precipitation in metropolitan Guangzhou city of southern China. Atmospheric Research, 113,
[63]Wu, Z.Y., Wang, X.M.*, Turnipseed, A.A., Chen, F., Zhang, L.M., Guenther, A., Karl, T., Huey, L.G., Niyogi, D., Xia, B.C., Alapaty, K., 2012. Evaluation and improvements of two community models in simulating dry deposition velocities for peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) over a coniferous forest. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 117, D04310,
[64]Zhang, Y.N., Zhang, Z.S., Chan, C.Y. *, Engling, G., Sang, X.F., Shi, S., Wang, X.M., 2012. Levoglucosan and carbonaceous species in the background aerosol of coastal southeast China: case study on transport of biomass burning smoke from the Philippines. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19(1), 244-255.
[65]Peng, G.L., Wang, X.M.*, Wu, Z.Y., Wang, Z.M., Yang, L.L., Zhong, L.J., Chen, D.H., 2011. Characteristics of particulate matter pollution in the Pearl River Delta region, China: an observational-based analysis of two monitoring sites. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 1927–1934,
[66] Wang, X.M.*, Situ, S.P., Guenther, A., Chen, F., Wu, Z.Y., Xia, B.C., Wang, T.J., 2011. Spatiotemporal variability of biogenic terpenoid emissions in Pearl River Delta, China, with high-resolution land-cover and meteorological data. Tellus B, 63B, 241-254.
[67]Wu, Z.Y., Wang, X.M.*, Chen, F., Turnipseed, A.A., Guenther, A., Niyogi, D., Charusombat, U., Xia, B.C., Munger, J.W., Alapaty, K., 2011. Evaluating the calculated dry deposition velocities of reactive nitrogen oxides and ozone from two community models over a temperate deciduous forest. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 2633-2674.
[68]Fang, Y.T., Koba, K., Wang, X.M., Wen, D.Z., Li, J., Takebayashi, Y., Liu, X.Y., Yoh, M., 2011. Anthropogenic imprints on nitrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation nitrate in a nitrogen-polluted city in southern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 1313-1325.
[69]Wang, T.J., Lam, K.S., Liu, Q., Wang, X.M., 2011. Assessment of Long Term UV Radiation Measured by the Brewer spectrophotometer in Hong Kong during 1995-2005. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 1, 9-17.
[70]Chen, F., Kusaka, H., Bornstein, R., Ching, J., Grimmond, C.S.B., Grossman-Clarke, S., Loridan, T., Manning, K., Martilli, A., Miao, S.G., Sailor, D., Salamanca, F.P., Taha, H., Tewari, M., Wang, X.M., Wyszogrodzki, A., Zhang, C.L., 2011. The integrated WRF/urban modelling system: development, evaluation, and applications to urban environmental problems. International Journal of Climatology, 31(2), 273-288.
[71]Wan, J.M., Lin, M., Chan, C.Y., Zhang, Z.S., Engling, G., Wang, X.M., Chan, I.N., Li, S.Y., 2011. Change of air quality and its impact on atmospheric visibility in central-western Pearl River Delta. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 172, 339–351.
[72]Sang, X.F., Chan, C.Y., Engling, G., Chan, L.Y., Wang, X.M., Zhang, Y.N., Shi, S., Zhang, Z.S., Zhang, T., Hu, M., 2011. Levoglucosan enhancement in ambient aerosol during springtime transport events of biomass burning smoke to Southeast China. Tellus B, 63B, 129–139.
[73]Lin, W.S., Wang, B.M., Li, J.N., Wang, X.M., Zeng, L.P., Yang, L., Lin, H., 2010. The impact of urbanization on the monthly averaged diurnal cycle in October 2004 in the Pearl River Delta region. Atmósfera, 23(1), 37-51.
[74]Charusombat, U., Niyogi, D., Kumar, A., Wang, X.M., Chen, F., Guenther, A., Turnipseed, A., Alapaty, K., 2010. Evaluating a new Deposition Velocity Module in the Noah land surface model. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 137(2), 271-290.
[75]Zhang, N., Gao, Z.Q., Wang, X.M.*, Chen, Y., 2010. Modeling the impact of urbanization on the local and regional climate in Yangtze River Delta, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 102, 331–342.
[76]Qiu, R.L., Wang, S.Z., Qiu, H., Wang, X.M., Liao, J., Zhang, Z.T., 2009. Acid deposition critical loads modeling for the simulation of sulfur exceedance and reduction in Guangdong,China. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 21, 1108-1117.
[77]Zheng, J.Y., Che, W.W., Wang, X.M., Louie, P., Zhong, L.J., 2009. Road network-based spatial allocation of on-road mobile source emissions in the Pearl River Delta region, China and comparisons with population-based approach. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 59, 1405-1416.
[78] Wang, X.M.*, Wu, Z.Y., Liang, G.X., 2009. WRF/CHEM modeling of impacts of weather conditions modified by urban expansion on secondary organic aerosol formation over Pearl River Delta. Particuology, 7, 384-391.
[79] Wang, X.M.*, Chen, F., Wu, Z.Y., Zhang, M.G., Tewari, M., Guenther, A., Wiedinmyer, C., 2009. Impacts of weather conditions modified by urban expansion on surface ozone: Comparison between the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta regions. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26(5), 962-972.
[80]Lin, W.S., Sui, C.H., Yang, L.M., Wang, X.M.*, Deng, R.R., Fan, S.J., Wu, C.S., Wang, A.Y., Fong, S.K., Lin, H., 2007. A numerical study of the influence of urban expansion on monthly climate in dry autumn over Pearl River Dealta, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 89(1-2), 63-72.
[81] Wang, X.M.*, Lin, W.S., Yang, L.M., Deng, R.R., Lin, H., 2007. A numerical study of influences of urban land-use change on ozone distribution over the Pearl River Delta region, China. Tellus B, 59B, 633-641.
[82] Wang, X.M.*, Yang, L.Y., Qin, B.Q., Ji, L.L., 2006. Chemical composition and its origin in spring rainwater over Taihu Lake. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 24(4), 421-427.
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